Phone: (561) 301-7963

Wide ranging golf industry experience, including twenty-five years of domestic and international assignments representing Nicklaus Design, LLC, a Jack Nicklaus Company.  Work entailed golf course design and construction responsibilities for numerous new construction and renovation projects across mainland United States, Hawaii, and internationally.  Developed the ability to coordinate and work well with owners, developers, architects, contractors and associated project team personnel to build world class golf courses from inception to opening.

Golf Course Design, Construction, and Project Management Consultant –                 May 2012 - present
Multiple Projects

  • Projects included construction document and technical specification preparation, bid document analysis, renovation project field supervision and project management.
  • Responsibilities included site visits to review construction progress, attend site meetings, prepare site visit notes, monitor schedule and work progress, and interface between owner, designer, contractors, sub-contractors, and project team consultants.
  • Supervised multiple work crews during course renovation and managed contour revisions and expansions to putting green surfaces, bunker drainage installation, and finish grade preparation for final grassing.

Independent Business Development and Sales Representative –                                 May 2012 - December 2020
Multiple Companies

  • Responsibilities range from new business development, networking, sales calls, client relations, cost proposals and Turbo-CAD putting green drawings.

Nicklaus Design, LLC -                                                                                                         1987 – 2012
Director of Field Operations  (December 2000 – May 2012)

  • Worked with owners, developers, architects, project consultants, general contractors, sub-contractors and vendors throughout the bid process, including preparation of preliminary construction schedules, budget estimates, preparation of final bid documents, bid analysis, and contractor recommendations for projects worldwide.
  • Developed and maintained company construction technical specifications and construction detail sketches.
  • Provided Design Associate support and responsibilities at new construction and renovation projects in the United States.
  • Made project visits to evaluate site conditions, construction methods and make recommendations.
  • Managed and trained Design Coordinators assigned to golf courses under construction worldwide.  Reviewed and approved Design Coordinators salary requirements, expense reports, monthly log and work status book reports.
  • Prepared annual budgets for accounting department requirements for Design Coordinators, irrigation services, agronomy services, and new and renovation project forecasts.
  • Consulted with legal counsel on new and renovation contracts, technical specifications, and legal matters.
  • Assisted Nicklaus Design IT department with beta testing and recommendations for Nicklaus Design Productions Database, Nicklaus Connect Program, and T2 Green applications.

Design Coordinator  (February 1987 – December 2000)

  • On-site Nicklaus Design Coordinator at 13 projects in Florida, South Carolina, California, Vermont, Illinois, Hawaii, Japan and China.
  • Ensured Nicklaus Design golf courses were built according to design specifications throughout the construction and grow-in process.
  • Reviewed, inspected, and provided recommendations on all phases of the construction process.
